Proof of COVID-19 vaccination
Details on how to obtain proof of your COVID-19 vaccination status to show that you’ve had the full ...
17 May 2021One Liverpool
Dementia Action Week
Liverpool City Region programme of events for Dementia Action Week, 17-23 May 2021
05 May 2021Dementia Action Liverpool (DAL)
More self-bookable vaccination sites now available in Liverpool
The local NHS has made it easier for people in Liverpool to book their own Covid-19 vaccination appo...
04 May 2021One Liverpool
eConsult Self-help & Pharmacy advice
Get advice on how to look after yourself and your condition using eConsult.
29 April 2021One Liverpool
Eligible patients in Liverpool urged to book Covid vaccine now
Anyone in Liverpool who is eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine, but who hasn’t booked their first dose...
22 March 2021One Liverpool
Men urged to check their prostate cancer risk
Prostate Cancer UK wants to find men at the highest risk of prostate cancer by completing their 30-s...
17 March 2021One Liverpool
Healthwatch Liverpool patient focus group on GP services
Healthwatch Liverpool would like to hear from patients in the city about their experiences of GP ser...
12 March 2021One Liverpool
New Health and Care Video Library
A new resource to make it easier for patients to access trusted health information and guidance remo...
05 March 2021One Liverpool
Domestic abuse support
Domestic abuse is a complex issue, which can take many forms including psychological, financial, sex...
26 February 2021One Liverpool
Carers in Liverpool to receive Covid-19 vaccine
The local NHS and Liverpool City Council are appealing to unpaid carers whose role currently isn’t r...
25 February 2021One Liverpool
New groups eligible for Covid-19 vaccine
The next phase of Covid-19 vaccination gets underway in Liverpool this week.
15 February 2021One Liverpool
Covid-19 vaccination for people who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable
Those who have been asked to shield can book their Covid-19 vaccination at a regional site or wait u...
08 February 2021One Liverpool
Number of Covid-19 vaccination centres in Liverpool grows
The number of vaccination centres in Liverpool communities is being expanded to boost access for the...
02 February 2021One Liverpool
How do I find my NHS number?
You do not need to know your NHS number to use NHS services, but it can be useful to have it.
01 February 2021One Liverpool
Free first time gas central heating system and loft and cavity wall insulation
Liverpool City Council has been awarded a grant of £1.27 million from the Warm Homes Fund for the in...
25 January 2021One Liverpool
Free vitamin D for people at higher risk from coronavirus
Some people who are at higher risk from coronavirus (COVID-19) can apply to receive a free supply of...
19 January 2021One Liverpool
Liverpool doctors explain local vaccine roll-out
Find out about how local Covid-19 vaccines will happen.
08 January 2021One Liverpool
Latest update on Covid-19 vaccinations
Details of how GP practices in Liverpool are starting to vaccinate priority patients.
31 December 2020One Liverpool
Liverpool GPs begin Covid-19 vaccinations
Groups of GP practices in Liverpool are starting to invite people over 80 to receive the Covid-19 va...
17 December 2020One Liverpool
Where to get health advice over Christmas and New Year
The local NHS is reminding people of where to go if they need health advice or treatment over the Ch...
10 December 2020One Liverpool